My TEDx Talk experience: a testimony to doing what scares you
On February 29, 2024, I spoke at my college’s inaugural TEDx event.
(Even just writing that out sounds so bizarre.) I’m still in shock honestly and processing the entire experience. I grew up a shy person. I have never seen myself as a speaker, let alone a TEDx speaker…

My Go-To Alternative to Goodie Bags
I will take yummy treats over a good bag with random little tchotchkes any day…

But, My Deceased Relative Gave Me This…
I was working on decluttering with a client recently, we were going through her children’s toys when we came up on one that was given to her by her grandmother—who had passed away. I immediately understood her resistance toward…

How to Get Control of All the Toys in your Home
Toys being all over the house is probably one of the top annoyances when it comes to organizing the home for parents. In this post I’m gonna go over the 2 things you need to do to make cleanup a little bit more manageable for you and your kids…

The Most Important Thing When it Comes to Decorating Your Home
Do you ever start a home decor project for a room and then get overwhelmed with all the little details, end up buying a bunch of random things on a whim, think you love one thing but then change your mind and change it again, and then get so lost that you kind of give up and the room just sort of stays unfinished indefinitely? …

One Simple Tool to Improve Your Follow Through
As a multi-passionate creative that enjoys working in many mediums, something that I often struggle with is my follow through. As soon as my motivation for a project fizzles out—and it does —I usually just move on to something else. Even though I want to finish the project, and I have a desire to do it, something stops me from continuing.

5 Ways to Slow Down When it Feels Like Life is Moving Too Fast
Noticing how fast our kids grow is this reminder I think to be more present with them. So how can we slow down when it feels like life is moving too fast? Well here are 5 things you can do right now that have worked for me.

The Secret to Tackling Clutter Once and For All
Let me tell you a story.
Girl comes home from work, walks in her house, looks around at all the clutter, feels dejected, overwhelmed, and a little appalled. Girl walks through house, keeping eyes above clutter and pretends it’s not there so she doesn’t have to deal with it. Girl does the usual things, goes to bed, sleeps, wakes up, leaves for work and does it all over again. Each day preceding the next though, somehow the clutter expands.

The Best Mental Health Tool for Artists and Anybody with Anxiety
As an artist and human that regularly struggles with anxiety and depression I’ve had to practice mindfulness to feel any sort of sanity in moments of distress. Sometimes I go days feeling apathetic because the art I’m making feels like crap and so I feel deflated and discouraged. In those moments it’s hard to get back into a groove that feels productive. Some days just taking a shower and getting dressed is an accomplishment… And that’s totally okay.

The 3 Keys You Need To Draw Anything
Have you ever started a drawing on paper, and as you moved along in your drawing, noticed that you ran out of paper—like the thing you were drawing didn’t quite fit on the paper the way you wanted it to? Or have you ever drawn something that just looked totally wonky and disproportionate? When you learn these three keys, you’ll be able to draw anything the way you want.

What is a Soul Nourishing Space and How Do You Get it?
A soul nourishing space looks different for everyone. This is because everyone has their own unique spirit. Something that touches someone deeply might have no effect on another person, and that’s okay. But how do we know what nourishes our soul? Well, just like life is a journey, so too is finding and nurturing what your soul loves—what your soul thrives on. So how do you do it?

Instantly Give Your Home a Facelift Without Spending a Dime
If you notice that you haven’t given your home any sort of love and energy lately, and you would love to bring some life into it without spending a ton of money, here are 10 ways to instantly give your home a facelift without spending a dime.

How to Bring Consistency to Your Artworks
Do you sometimes struggle with consistency in your paintings or artworks? If you feel like there is no common thread running through your artwork, this post just might help you!

DIY Zig Zag Number Piñata
So you wanna make a zig zag number piñata ay? You’ve come to the right place. I’ve made my fair share of number piñatas and the zig zag ones are always a hit. These babies are super fun and easy to make. You just need a little elbow grease, a little patience, some time, and a few supplies that are easily accessible.

Ferris Wheel Tutorial | Part - 2
If you’re over here, that means you read the first half of this tutorial and have finished the main structure of the ferris wheel. I’m hoping it hasn’t been too confusing thus far…

Ferris Wheel Tutorial | Part - 1
Hello! In this tutorial I'm gonna show you just how I make my ferris wheel embroideries. While each one may look slightly different, the underlying structure is still the same.
First off, I want to note that I made the decision to split this tutorial into two parts because it was just so completely filled with information and I thought it would be a less confusing tutorial experience.

Stitching redwood trees
I'm very fortunate because I see giant redwood trees everyday outside my bedroom window. I wake up to the tall regal things saying hi to me with their immensity, it's really pretty awesome. I think that's why they're one of my favorite things to stitch, and they're the things I'm gonna go over today in this post.