The 3 Keys You Need To Draw Anything
Have you ever started a drawing on paper, and as you moved along in your drawing, noticed that you ran out of paper—like the thing you were drawing didn’t quite fit on the paper the way you wanted it to? Or have you ever drawn something that just looked totally wonky and disproportionate? When you learn these three keys, you’ll be able to draw anything the way you want.

How to Bring Consistency to Your Artworks
Do you sometimes struggle with consistency in your paintings or artworks? If you feel like there is no common thread running through your artwork, this post just might help you!

Ferris Wheel Tutorial | Part - 2
If you’re over here, that means you read the first half of this tutorial and have finished the main structure of the ferris wheel. I’m hoping it hasn’t been too confusing thus far…

Ferris Wheel Tutorial | Part - 1
Hello! In this tutorial I'm gonna show you just how I make my ferris wheel embroideries. While each one may look slightly different, the underlying structure is still the same.
First off, I want to note that I made the decision to split this tutorial into two parts because it was just so completely filled with information and I thought it would be a less confusing tutorial experience.

Stitching redwood trees
I'm very fortunate because I see giant redwood trees everyday outside my bedroom window. I wake up to the tall regal things saying hi to me with their immensity, it's really pretty awesome. I think that's why they're one of my favorite things to stitch, and they're the things I'm gonna go over today in this post.