My TEDx Talk experience: a testimony to doing what scares you
On February 29, 2024, I spoke at my college’s inaugural TEDx event.
(Even just writing that out sounds so bizarre.) I’m still in shock honestly and processing the entire experience. I grew up a shy person. I have never seen myself as a speaker, let alone a TEDx speaker…
Gosh, I still have to let that sink in every time I say it.
It’s hard to put into words the enormity of the whole experience, even though it had a very natural and organic rhythm to it.
The conception of the experience probably started sometime in September of 2023, with the simple awareness that my college was accepting applications for a TEDx event it was having in February of the next year. It then moved to my disbelief—and even rejection—of the idea that I would ever even apply for such a thing.
It’s now been a full month since giving my talk, and I still can’t believe it happened.
To say I did it all on my own would be a lie. There are so many pieces that fell into place for this to happen. There are so many people I connected with that impacted everything I did, that inspired me and moved me: teachers, mentors, classmates, friends, family. I found myself doing things I’ve never done, opening myself up and sharing my vulnerabilities, working in a position I didn’t think I was good enough for, spending months writing out and revising and revising and revising a speech that I was terrified to give.
It was the epitome of handing my will over to my Higher Power, not knowing what would happen, but trusting that whatever did happen, would be for my highest good.
There were moments of doubt and uncertainty, moments when I leaned on others to find my balance, and moments where I just wanted to hide and run away. But I stayed and kept moving forward.
To say that I feel grateful and blessed to have experienced this would be an understatement. I made so many friends, did so many things I thought I never would, and I’m excited to say my confidence has grown exponentially. I feel like a completely different person, maybe I am, maybe I’m still just me.
Whoever I am, I’m that person that did the thing that scared them, and I hope to continue doing the things that scare me.
Hoping you will do the thing that scares you too.
Much love.