“So Many Animals” came about very organically. I amassed a large amount of animal illustrations after drawing them daily and felt called to use them in a children’s book. This was around the same time that I was taking my young children—ages 2 and 3—to the zoo almost three times a week. I just loved my kid’s reactions to seeing all the different animals and so it was really easy for me to get excited about making a book inspired by animals and that I knew they would enjoy.

Each animal illustration starts with a sketch in my sketchbook, which I take everywhere with me.

After painting on papers, I scan them into my computer, adjust any coloring issues in Photoshop, and use clipping masks in Adobe Illustrator to create each "cutout" animal.

I wanted each letter of the alphabet to have its' own personal space in the book so that younger kids could easily comprehend and absorb each letter.

Each animal is given ample space, covering two whole pages, so the kids can enjoy the large shapes and colors.

Every letter is paired with a unique and fun riddle, engaging kids to problem solve and guess which animal is on the next page.

A little sneak peek of some of the animals you'll find throughout the book.